Documents App


General Info
Name Value
Base url
Endpoint: /api/v1/query-status

This is an endpoint for to query for a response

Name Value
Authorization Token {{Your Agent Id}}
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json

Name Value
ref* A unique reference
query_type* name-registration or company-registration or name-search or annual-return


name search query
                                        "ref": 2024285cacnameseachrequest21,
                                        "query_type": name-search
Status Codes and Status Message:
Name Value Associated With
status:{a status code}* 100 {successfully submitted/queried}, 101 {payload key/value failed validation}, 400 {error with authentication} All Endpoint
status_key:{a status key}* The code key e.g (token, authorization e.t.c if there is an error during agent authorization/token) or e.g (full_name, data_empty, invalid_url if a submitted data didn't pass validation) or e.g (success/failed for submission status) All Endpoint
status_response:{a message}* A status message All Endpoint
{status_key} Status Keys:
Name Value Associated With
status:{a status code}* 100 {successful}, 101 {failed}, 400 {error with authentication} All Endpoint
status_key:authorization* Authorization header not found All Endpoint
status_key:token* Authorization Token not found All Endpoint
status_key:token_null* Authorization Token can't be null or false All Endpoint
status_key:data* No Post Data Found All Endpoint
status_key:agent* Incorrect Token All Endpoint
status_key:status* Your agent account is inactive All Endpoint
status_key:{key}* A required payload data is not provided {key} is replaced by what's not provided All Endpoint
status_key:empty_key* A submitted payload data is empty All Endpoint
status_key:ref_exist* A submitted payload data is with same ref already exist. This shows the data is already submitted Except Query Endpoint
status_key:full_name* A fullname is not valid. It must be in this format e.g Firstname Lastname [and/or] Ojogbane Except Query Endpoint
status_key:images* The image is not in base64 encoded format or not png and jpeg Except Query Endpoint
status_key:invalid_type_key* The submitted type key for annual-return is neither current nor late Only Annual Return Endpoint
status_key:invalid_url* Any payload with url attached should follow the standard https://your_domain sheme Only Annual Return
status_key:pdf_url* Any payload where u attach url for us to download the pdf doc and its not following https://your_domain/(doc_name).pdf(and/or ending /) will be declined Only Annual Return
status_key:date_of_birth* Date of birth must follow dd-mm-yyyy Name And Company Registration
status_key:witness_name* Witness name invalid and must follow e.g Firstname Lastname [and/or] Ojogbane Company Registration
status_key:query_type_invalid* The query_type is holding an invalid value Query Endpoint
status_key:no_ref* When the query endpoin is queried with an invalid reference code you get this status_key:no_ref Query Endpoint
status_key:pending* Successful Submission All Endpoint
status_key:success* Processing Completed Query Endpoint
status_key:failed* Processing Failed Query Endpoint


Example Response (Success):
                                                "status": 100,
                                                "status_key": success,
                                                "status_response": "BizName is now successfully registered"
                                                "attachment": " or none or any pdf downloadable link"
Example Response (Failed):
                                                "status": 101,
                                                "status_key": empty_data,
                                                "status_response": full_name is empty


Example Response (Success):
                                        "status": 100,
                                        "status_key": success,
                                        "attachment": https://base_url.cac_doc_2024.pdf,
                                        "status_response": "Your submission has been processed successfully. Please find document as attached"
Example Response (Failed):
                                    "status": 101,
                                    "status_key": failed,
                                    "status_response": Your request failed because there was an error on the business name submitted
Endpoint: /api/v1/annual-return

This is an endpoint for annual return submission

Name Value
Authorization Token {{Your Agent Id}}
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json

Name Value
ref* A unique reference
full_name* Clients Full Name
cac_pdf_url* a valid url to download your pdf document (url.pdf)
image_signature* image signature
type* current or late annual return
Example Body:
                                                    "full_name":"Firstname Lastname",
Example Response (Success):
                                                "status": 100,
                                                "status_key": pending,
                                                "status_response": "We have received your submission and would attend to it shortly"
Example Response (Failed):
                                                "status": 101,
                                                "key": empty_data,
                                                "message": full_name is empty
Endpoint: /api/v1/name-registration

This is an endpoint for business name registration

Name Value
Authorization Token {{Your Agent Id}}
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json

Name Value
ref* A unique reference
full_name* Clients Full Name
business_name1* Name First Choice
business_name2* Name Second Choice
nature_of_business* Nature of business
image_id_card* Image of your goverment issued Id Card
date_of_birth* Date Of Birth in dd-mm-yyyy format
email* email address
phone* phone number
image_passport* Passport Photograph
image_signature* Signature
Please note all images are jpeg or png base64 encoded plaintext e.g /9j/.... or iVBORw0KGgo....
Example Body:
                                                    "full_name":"Firstname Lastname",
                                                    "business_name1":"Ak Tech",
                                                    "nature_of_business":"Software Development And Web Development",
Example Response (Success):
                                                "status": 100,
                                                "status_key": pending,
                                                "status_response": "We have received your submission and would attend to it shortly"
Example Response (Failed):
                                                "status": 101,
                                                "key": empty_data,
                                                "message": full_name is empty
Endpoint: /api/v1/company-registration

This is an endpoint for company registration

Name Value
Authorization Token {{Your Agent Id}}
Accept application/json
Content-Type application/json

Name Value
ref* A unique reference
full_name* Clients Full Name
business_name1* Name First Choice
business_name2* Name Second Choice
nature_of_business* Nature of business
image_id_card* Image of your goverment issued Id Card
date_of_birth* Date Of Birth in dd-mm-yyyy format
email* email address
phone* phone number
image_passport* Passport Photograph
image_signature* Signature
share_allocation* How you want your allocation to be shared
witness_name* Name of the witness
image_witness_signature* Image of the witness signature
Please note all images are jpeg or png base64 encoded plaintext e.g /9j/.... or iVBORw0KGgo....
Example Body:
                                                "full_name":"Firstname Lastname",
                                                "business_name1":"Ak Tech",
                                                "nature_of_business":"Software Development And Web Development",
                                                "share_allocation":"1m to the directory ...",
                                                "witness_name":"Akor Joel",
Example Response (Success):
                                            "status": 100,
                                            "status_key": pending,
                                            "status_response": "We have received your submission and would attend to it shortly"
Example Response (Failed):
                                            "status": 101,
                                            "key": empty_data,
                                            "message": full_name is empty
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